Saturday, January 23, 2010

Lost in a Flash

"It's got to be here somewhere."

Here is in the black garbage bag sitting on the kitchen floor. I've lost a white flash drive that has records for an organization I voluntarily update records for on a regular basis. Last night I updated them again and now I can't find the flash drive. I've convinced myself that I must have accidentally thrown it away in a handful of used Kleenex last night. So I dump the whole garbage bag on the floor and start searching. The puglies come sniffing around to help me search. Too bad they weren't trained to locate lost flash drives. Their noses go much more for chicken bones. I shoo them away and poke through the whole mess even though I am grossed right out. I do find a pair of salad tongs that dearest one accidentally threw out with the soggy Caesar salad. No flash drive in sight.

I return to the office and look at the mess that is the desk. I resign myself to having to clean the desk off. I move the piles of papers off the desk and no flashdrive. I lift the last pile of papers and still no flash drive. I start thinking of the dogs and how they love chewing on plastic things when I spot the flash drive wedged in between the pages of a magazine. I give a big sigh and lift every pile of papers back into it's place and get back to work.


Mary (MPJ) said...

Glad you found it. I hate losing things. Hm, that seems to say something larger about my life. :)

Unknown said...

Somehow I wish my puggies were built for finding all the lost items in my house. Sadly they only seem to find lost food scraps. LOL! Glad you found your flash drive!!!

xo gabi

daisymarie said...

This was me yesterday morning trying to find my keys at 5:30AM. I had to get to the club. I had no way to get a work key from anyone else since I couldn't call them to ask because I left my cell phone at work the night before which I thought would be no big deal since I had to be to work the next morning but it didn't look like I was going to get there or get in until I was prompted (quite divinely--I believe) to look somewhere I NEVER put my keys, but they happened to fall there when I rushed in, dropped everything and ran to the bathroom to pee. It was a rough way to start the day to say the least. Moral: wet your pants, but make sure the keys get hung up so they can be found.

Kathy M. said...


Lou said...

At our house, we have a joke that "the cat took it".

Enchanted Oak said...

Oh, thank God you found it. It's a good example of checking all avenues before giving up in despair. We could all use a test of our perseverance now and then, just to be sure we have grown more patient.

Renee said...

Our desks sound similar!

Unrelated, I have made the decision to send my high schoolers to school, and no longer educate them at home. I thought of your advice to me about homeschooling that you shared with me some years ago, and I wanted you to know your kindness assisted me in making this decision, one I was to scared to do a few years ago. So thanks!!