Monday, February 18, 2019

The Guts of Our Lives

One of the gifts of going to a family event  yesterday was visiting with a family member who is a kindred spirit. Our daily lives, political and religious views are miles apart. None of that matters. 

We hadn't seen each other in such a long time. We went from how are you? to the guts of our lives in the space it took to ask the question. She was really the only one I had hoped for a good visit with and even though we only had 15 minutes together, it was food for my soul.

We laughed, we cried, we hugged. It was good.

Those people you can let down your guard with are such a gift. The ones who really not only want to know how you are but can absorb it without the need to fix or advise or do anything other than listen with their heart and respond from their soul. I am fortunate to have people like that in my life. I hope you do in yours, too.

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