This is one of them:
She'd written a list about herself.
She read it outloud to the rest of us gathered round.
It was all negative except for one sentence.
She oozed meanness and her face was hard.
I didn't want to mess with her.
She scared me.
We continued to gather on a regular basis.
After a long time of getting together
she said that this
worked better than prison.
She took out her crumpled list
from long ago.
Her face had lost its hardness.
Her very countenance changed.
She skimmed her list and read out loud
the positive sentence.
She no longer needed to define herself
by her mistakes.
I watched her as she read.
Observed the transformation.
Her face soft and glowing.
The phrase "Love is seeping out of her pores."
came to me. I tried to speak them aloud
but tears rose up within me.
Grace and miracles do that to me.
Brilliant post! I love this..great dream!
It is what God does for me, no matter
what-and it's called transformation
whether I want it or not. If it is His will, it will be done.
This is a beautiful story of change of heart...
I got goose bumps - beautifully done!
What a beautiful picture of encountering His grace.......
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