A good and full day.
The energizer bunny went to the vet early this morning so there won't ever be any little energizers to follow in her footsteps. She whined all the way to town. Actually she refused to go outside first thing this morning and she hid twice. Eventually we picked her up and carried her outside to do her business. Which was a first. Usually she runs to the door like a 40 something bladder impaired woman I know who is trying to run and cross her legs at the same time, screaming get out of my way, in hopes of avoiding an accident. No such thing this morning. How she knew something was up I have no idea. But she did. And she cried all the way to the vet.
Dearest one called not too long ago to let us know he'd picked her up from the vet and all was well until he was hit from behind. It was a minor car accident with no injuries and we are grateful for that. Youngest son looked at me and said that you know you live in redneck country when your son's ex-girlfriend's sister's ex-boyfriend runs into your dad's car because he wasn't paying attention. Yep. That would qualify as living in redneck country. It's right up there with a cousin from one side of the family marrying a cousin from the other side of the family, which has happened in the last few months. Twice in fact.
I got home in time to answer the phone and on the other end was someone wondering if I wanted a job interview. Why, yes I do. I've been applying for jobs left, right and center, leaving the outcome to a Power greater than me. Now if only that Power could make sure I don't have to wear a bladder control getup any time soon.
I think dogs have ESP about that sort of thing!
The redneck bit was funny and good luck on the interview~
I love what you write, "I've been applying for jobs left, right and center, leaving the outcome to a Power greater than me." What a perfect way to handle the situation.
I'm sending out prayers for you that God's will be done in the job arena.
" runs to the door like a 40 something bladder impaired woman" This is much too graphic. I think your site needs to be rated.
I will swap you prayers for employment. I have - uh, long story. Let's pray.
Dogs Know when something they wouldn't like is about to happen.
Oh, why did you do that to her? Puppies would have been soooo cute, and you could have sold them. :( Oh well. If you had too many more dogs you would be red-necks yourselves. ;)
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