It's been a good weekend.
Things to process.
Growth to celebrate.
Growth that is obviously
still in the germinating stage.
C'est la vie.
I'm applying for a job this week.
I have mixed feelings about it.
When I thought about the pros and cons
the pros side was full and the only thing
in the cons side was that I feel passionless
about the actual job.
I'm trying to keep an open mind.
Per the job: I understand; fully
and, i really wish I wasn't in a position to fully understand
and, I wish you the very best on that interview
Passionless...that's just how I feel about sitting with the lady job. In fact I was writing about it in my journal today. I have to have a job...finding jobs is next impossible for's not just doesn't stir my soul. God and I talked long about it again today. We will probably talk again tomorrow. I will express thanks and then add "but..."
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