Sunday, October 12, 2008

Imperfection Is All I Can Offer

"Sin is a great teacher. Of course, we have all sinned as Romans makes very clear. One of the wonderful discoveries as you work with Jesus is that he is never upset with sinners. Go through the four Gospels, it is very clear in the text.
It's amazing the energy we put into ferreting out sinners, punishing and excluding them, and yet Jesus is only upset at people who don't think they are sinners."
~from The Little Way

This was the quote today from the Center For Contemplation and Action. There is always a mantra to go with the day's quote and today the mantra was imperfection is all I can offer. That mantra is basically what I say to Jesus all the time. Well, except for those times when I get me and God mixed up and I think I'm God. When that happens eventually I end up admitting how imperfectly I try to do God's job. I've had progress and perfection mixed up the last few days so today's quote was the reminder I needed.


owenswain said...

Too often, I who am imperfection personified have set out to judge others whom I expect to be perfect. As this changes in me I fear some may think I'm just one of those liberal Christians then on a deeper level I begin to not care what 'they' think.

truevyne said...

New mantra for me! Thanks.

Jim said...

I've written about it before, but am convinced that "sin" is not so much those lists we make; Rather I find it to be simply not facing God with who and what we are. Like any good father, He is always willing to help us, to love us, through our mess. It's the bull-headed "I can handle this myself-there's nothing wrong with me" attitude that gives Him problems...

owenswain said...

jim, I agree.