Tumour test results came back today and I don't need chemo. I am so, so relieved. There is only a PET scan ahead of me before the end of the month - which will hopefully clear up if they need to investigate further why the AP node in my chest is enlarged and the node in my armpit. After that I am good to go. It feels like a huge weight off my shoulders. The doctor is also hopeful I won't be so bitchy now.

Thanks be to God.
Yay, Yay, Yay. Doing a HaPpY DaNcE with you!!!
PHew!!!!!! Thank you Lord!
Thank you for the update, Hope.
THis is wonderful!!!!
Hooray! Hooray! So happy for this news for you!
I bitch, therefore I live-- not Rene Descartes
Wonderful news! As I tell my husband, "Nothing is a garauntee against bitching!"
again, such great, good news! i bet there are a few more people than your doctor who hope that the bitchy part of you melts away, yourself probably at the top of the list. I on the other hand have so enjoyed it from afar. It makes me laugh and shake with glee because you put words to the deep bitchiness that I feel too. :)
Good news, ma'am....
So good to read this.
I am so glad to hear this good news.
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