Friday, December 21, 2018

But Still

I don't know if I've shared this photo before and I'm too tired to check.But either way it's a reminder for me today. I had great plans. Then I bought last minute Christmas dinner groceries and used up every single spoon I had. Plans were kibosh-ed. Fatigue ruled the rest of the day. I don't know why I am surprised when my energy levels tank.

I had therapy two days ago. I've been trying to settle myself ever since. Late nights and not great sleep have added to the mix. I'm grateful that I have no appointments of any kind between now and the New Year. I'm quite happy to stay home and hibernate.

Every year on this day it feels like a small miracle that one has survived to see it. We had just over 7 hours of daylight today. Tomorrow the daylight lengthens. By three seconds. But still. Hope returns.

All is well.

1 comment:

Grace-WorkinProgress said...

I have had more time on my hands this holiday season. It makes me feel vulnerable and wanting for a different life than I have and even feeling guilty for wanting more. Getting enough sleep and healthy food helps me not take my thoughts too seriously.

I feel better when I don't run from those scary feelings. It is the running that it is painful. This hasn't been the season of joy in a long time. I would like to change that.