Sunday, June 29, 2008

Cool Safety

A cold slice of watermelon would taste mighty fine right now.
There's something weird about living in a land
where last week we scraped ice off the windshield twice
and today the temperature is edging towards 90F.

We have no heat in our church at the moment.
Last winter we paid a ridiculous amount
to keep the building heated.
Even so the pipes froze once
when the propane ran out.

So this summer we're in the midst of converting
the heating system to something a little gentler
on the pocket book.
The propane tank was already empty early in the spring.
There've been a few Sundays since
where I've kept my coat and gloves on
when I went up to do the first reading
and the responsorial psalm.
Be it coats, gloves, flip flops, or shorts
We all take it in our stride.

Today the building was a nice reprieve from the outside heat.
I went early to sit in the coolness and pray.
Rarely do I see a building as a place of safety.
But that one is for me.


Peter said...

"Place of safety"--one of the best roles a church and congregation can play.

much2ponder said...

I have always felt safe and at peace within the walls of a church. The sanctuary is such a wonderful place to be.