Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Her voice had a catch in it...

This afternoon the batch of fudge just about ready to put in the pan when the phone rang. As I raced to pick it up before the answering machine did, I thought to myself I'll just have to ask the person to wait a few minutes for me to call them back. I picked up the phone to hear her voice catch as she said my name and then there was silence. I asked her what had happened. This good friend, who I may have heard cry once in the last 20+ years, sobbed and sobbed. I have not heard her so broken. Broken in a way that makes a person pound the table and cry in agony. I'm not at liberty to share her name or her source of grief but it's up there just under the death of a child. If you could pray for her I'd appreciate it. There was little I could do on the phone today other than listen. I promised to pray. For those of you so disposed, asking for Mary's intercession on her behalf would be especially appropriate as this friend consecrated herself to Mary on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception earlier this month. When I am burdened with things that break a mother's heart I ask Mary to intercede for me. Whenever I do my prayers get swallowed up in big gulping tears.
Thank you for praying.


annie said...

I've had a little experience with things that will break a mother's heart. I will pray for her.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry about your friend. It must be a deep deep sorrow. I will pray. In fact, I'm praying even now.

owenswain said...

In the midst of your Light come to earth Lord Jesus is the darkness than cannot overcome you, yet it can and does overcome us at times and this is the hardest time of the year for it to do so. Lord, for Hope's friend, have mercy.

O {arts & fath} {faith & art}

~pen~ said...

not knowing what grieves your friend i, too, have had some mother-breaking experiences with my oldest dear one. i will most assuredly keep her in my prayers.