Friday, December 08, 2006

Two Good Years

Today is my blog anniversary.....two years ago today I started writing this blog.
What can I say?
I am a writer.
I have a voice.
I am truly on a journey.
I need to journey with others.
Exposing my humanity to you will not get me stoned.
It might make me wish to get stoned :)
but even if I did
I am loved even in the midst of much sin.
Confessing my sin will not diminish my worth.
Failing is not the end of the story.
Having an audience watch
Christ peel back
the layers of my woundedness
and breathe healing on them
will not kill me.
Healing is possible.
There is hope.


Jackie said...
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Anonymous said...

And I, for one, am so glad there *is* Hope. As in YOU.

Happy Blogiversary!

Michael said...

Happy Blogiversary.

Take Care

Heidi Renee said...

Happy Blogoversary Hope!! This journey would be far less fun (and funny) without you! Thank you for all you leave on the screen for us!

Much Love!

Anonymous said...

Yeah Hope!! Thanks so much for sharing your journey.


annie said...

Happy Blogaversary Hope! We must have started blogging about the same time, I almost missed my second blogaversary!

Anyway, thanks for sharing, and for being a reminder that there is always hope.

owenswain said...

Happy happy. I have restarted so many times I have no specific anniversary to celebrate no do I know how long I have been at this anymore.

Anonymous said...

I am glad you are here Hope.

~pen~ said...

(((hope))) i think you were one of the first people i had met when i started blogging two years ago, as well!

you are my sister and you are loved. i am glad you are here, as well.

Jim said...

Happy blogaversary, ma'am! May your continued journey in writing remain as much a blessing unto you as it is to us. My own attempts at poetry through the years always took the form of "They say that if you kiss a frog it turns into a prince; but the one I kissed just croaked and died...and I ain't kissed any since!" I like your style much better......

Erin said...

There is Hope.
Thank you for walking ahead!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Happy Blogversary Hope!!

Hope said...

Thank you for all the well wishes!

~the scylding - I am originally from Saskatoon. I hope you enjoy your time there!

Renee said...

Hey~ My two year "blogiversary" is December 14. All I know is it has been a great two years, and I had no idea you were new when I was. You seemed so wise and experienced. You still do. Blessings!