Sunday, September 08, 2013

Bizarre Dreams

I've had a week of bizarre dreams. The kind where you wake up because it's so scary/horrible. Waking up is a relief because then you know the dream is just that, a dream.

One little sane bit of a bizarre dream last night that included hundreds of people parading through my house was a conversation I had with a woman who had been praying to be able to stop blaming other people for her issues. (love  recognize with some dismay how a person can be all the characters in the dream) I told her that an answer to prayer looked more like catching herself when she was doing it or recognizing she had done it again and then apologizing for doing it. Little steps. I told her that we often think the prayer is only answered if the problem goes away 100% but answered prayer can look much different than that. She cried with relief and her mascara ran down her cheeks as I sat there and wondered where the heck those words came that popped out of my mouth.


Jim said...

You've got me smiling again, ma'am, people often thinking that to be used by the Holy Spirit in some manner involves losing your sense of control, His presence assuming your identity. While there are those times, in prayer, when we know Him in a deep union, He catches us many times almost by surprise, showing up to minister through us unto others just as you describe it here....

annie said...

Wise words!