Sunday, April 25, 2010

45 going 78

I woke up with an annoying song going through my head and then I started playing on repeat what I said when it was my turn to share at the birthday meeting yesterday. The chatter in my head was starting to sound like a 45 record set to 78 so I finally got up in hopes of shutting that bit of craziness off. I picked the topic of gratitude for the meeting and then didn't mention it again. Sigh. I bet no one else is up in the middle of the night telling themselves man, that Hope doesn't know how to share worth a shit. All ego of course. I know that. I wish it wouldn't wake me up in the night. If my sponsor was awake she would put it all in perspective in a nanosecond and we'd probably roar with laughter after I said, "ouch." She gave me a card yesterday that brought me to tears. I love that woman.


Evelyn said...

I hate when I wake up with those loops running round and round. Oh, and about your sharing, I thought I was the only one who thought I was lame as lame can be when I share. LOL

Anonymous said...

Forgive for laughing a little Hope, only because it sounds exactly like something I would do! I always have to remember, most people don't listen to me anyways!
Happy sober birthday

Enchanted Oak said...

Happy sobriety birthday. The repetitive tapes run in my head sometimes too. You're not alone!

Mary Christine said...

I recently had the same thing going on - I had to shout out loud - I MAKE MISTAKES, OK? And then it stopped.