Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Unerring Instinct

"...couples choose each other with unerring instinct for finding the very person who will exactly match their own level of unconscious anxieties and mirror their own dysfunctions, and who will trigger for them all their unresolved emotional pain."
~ Gabor Mate


Gin said...

Oh this is so true. My therapist and I were just discussing this the other day.

How are the Puglies doing? :-)

Peter said...

Yes. And Dr Mate, who is a national treasure, has so much that is wise to say about other aspects of life, too.

His book, Scattered Minds, helped me immeasurably to understand and deal with my ADD.

Pru said...

Wow. That's not depressing in any way, shape or form...

(But it rang true so I guess my sarcasm is really just denial!)

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm. Makes me think of what my sponsor is always reminding me of, and that is that my husband did pick me too!

Evelyn said...

This is NOT a comforting thought, as I'm actually going on my first date since being divorced 5 years ago!!!!!!! But then again, who said the truth is necessarily comforting. :~)

Unknown said...

Oh how very very true. I view it that we are all mirrors of what we need to learn from one another. Where we need to grow and stretch, not comforting always and not easy always, but worth the journey if we take it....

As alway to you!

steveroni said...

How interestingly true! gabi said we are all mirrors of what we need to learn from one another. That's what blogging is all about. Right?

PEACE again.....