Wednesday, August 19, 2009


"You are one inch away from God."

That's what it said on this gigantic black and white poster my dad showed me in a dream I had this morning. Weird, eh? It was one of those posters where if you looked close it was just a bunch of circles, numbers and shapes with gaps here and there. You had to hold it a distance away before you could see that the gaps were what formed the letters.

Sometimes we are too close to a situation to see what it has to tell us.


Erin said...

Now THAT is a dream worth remembering!

How fabulous...

Tall Kay said...

What a wonderful analogy from your dream. Sometimes we are just too close to see the truth. How simple it sounds to just step back...I wish I could remember my dreams like that.

steveroni said...

FILOSSOFEE in a dream from Dad.

Daisy said...

Très cool, Hope.


Unknown said...

Very cool dream -- love the mathematical reference.

What do you think it was trying to tell you?

One Crafty Mother said...

That is beautiful! And a message I needed to hear today, thank you.