Saturday, August 02, 2008

Really, Really

My goal for today is to do the next right thing whether I feel like it or not.
I don't feel like going to the hassle of getting ready to go to town for my AA meeting. I'm going anyway.
I could list a whole long list of don't feel like it stuff yet where would that get me? Welcoming a long slide into apathy. Apathy feels wretched. When I get to that point I want to wallow in it while hoping the feeling will pass. Which makes me remember a day 20+ years ago when I told a friend I was sitting there praying to be inspired to do the housework. She said that I had to get off my butt and pick up the broom and then maybe God would inspire me to do the rest. My response was really? She gave me a "really, really sweetheart" look. On days like today that little conversation reminds me to get off my butt and do the next right thing.


Heidi Renee said...

Really, really - thanks for that - I need it as I head to strip the wallpaper off my bathroom walls... really...really...

Anonymous said...

God bless your small but powerful steps

daisymarie said...

Guess that means I shouldn't sit here staring at that pile of laundry at the end of the bed...sigh.

annie said...

Hmm, this too is one I need to remember for myself.

Mary P Jones (MPJ) said...

This made me smile today. I think it's time for me to pick up a broom right now, but I'd much rather sit here and ask for someone to do it for me. :)